Supporting Our Cause
Did our website or social media inspire you to have a Zoo Adventure or support Zoos? If we have helped or inspired you, please consider supporting our cause. This will help us inspire others! You can use one of the options below:
Purchase Merchandise
Go to our partner, Pallas Productions, on Etsy. By purchasing their products, you will be supporting us too. Check out this cool shirt! You want one right? Click here to go right to it and buy one!

You can donate directly to our Venmo. Our username is thezooreview (which you can click on) or you can use the qr code below:

You can use the PayPal Me feature to send us donations through your PayPal account. Our username is thezooreview (which you can click on).
Other options
Let us know how you would like to donate! Head over to the Contact Us page for options to reach us!
Why should I donate?
We operate The Zoo Review on our own and out of our own pocket. Between fuel, hotels, admission to Zoos, camera equipment, website hosting fees, and everything else, it adds up.
WE LOVE doing this for you, and we will not stop. However, we can only do so much, and what we can do is limited by our pocket and the generous donations from our supporters.
Donations make a difference. Donations directly impact the number of Zoos we can visit. Donations directly impact the quality of The Zoo Review content.
Do I get anything in return?
Sure! As much as we can, we want to reward our donors! For significant donations, we will happily send you stickers, T-shirts, and a picture of your favorite animal. For our most generous donors, we might even go on a Zoo Adventure with you and your family!
Do you make a profit?
No. Our donations do not offset all of our costs, but they certainly help!
However, we make you this promise: if our donations within a calendar year ever exceed our expenses in the same time period, we will donate all profits from that calendar year to a Zoo of our audience’s choice.
Rest assured, our number one goal is to always support Zoos. We do that through our mission, and your generous donations will always support that mission in some way!
What are you waiting for?
Thank you for reading this far, but seriously, what are you waiting for? Please use one of the options above to support our cause, or let us know how you can help!
If all you can give is a dollar or two, honestly that still helps! We promise (in accordance with our Privacy Policy), we will never disclose the amount of your support or your information. Most importantly, we are happy to provide this service to you regardless of how much you donate!
As always, go have yourself a Zoo Adventure!